
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Letting go of demons

I think we all have demons in our lives, things we've been through, things that have shaped us. One of my major hurdles in losing weight has been overcoming things I was told as a child, as a teenager. I remember being in high school size 5, all of 115 lbs and being told I was "fat & no boy would ever like me". Every time I started to lose weight over the next 27 or so years, I'd lose 20 lbs & then hear that voice inside my head telling me that and, being of the rebellious nature I had to prove that person wrong. So I would gain that 20 lbs and more back. As if I were saying "see, boys still like me, so ha!".
Finally, this negative, abusive person was removed from my life, and guess what? I started losing weight! Down 10 lbs, no voice, down 20 lbs, no voice, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70! Do you know what I feel now? EMPOWERED. Every time I get on the scale and I have lost another lb or two I feel like I have shed more and more of that person's abuse from my system.
Tell me, what is your hurdle? 

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